Saturday, June 21, 2008

Avril lavigne concert

Yesterday I went to the Avril Lavigne concert with one of my best friends.
It was fantastic, the intro band was the Jonas brothers. At first I thought they were
just 3 cute guys, but I didn't like there song SOS so I never looked into it any further.
But at the concert when they played I found out that SOS was there least best song and the rest was fantastic.
Of course it did help that they all looked gorgeous.

Avril was fantastic as well, at first I didn't want the Jonas Brothers to leave the stage. But I was happy they did,
Avril rocked the whole stage. She played old songs new songs and even played the drums while singing. While at the concert
there was this very annoying girl who first of all stood still the whole time the Jonas brothers where playing she didn't even clap her hands. But I thought maybe she was just here for Avril so ok.
But then when Avril came on she started looking pissed and sour the whole concert through. And then she looked pissed at me because I was having the time of my life.

There were allot of people that couldn't handle the amount of alcohol they drank. One girl fell in the floor right in front of my friend and I. So we brought her to the bar and got her some water. Afterwards she fainted and we got some help so they could take her to somewhere safe.

I had forgotten that my keys were in my other friends bag, one that didn't get into the concert cause she didn't have a ticket. So My friend and I decided to wait outside for a while in the hope that our other to friends waited for us. Which they did, they came stumbling out of a bar... I didn't care all I thought was yes I have my keys. But does anything ever go right? Of course not. She had forgotten my keys at her house, so we went all the way to her house and eventually didn't even sleep at my house. But at my bestfriends house.

It was a very hectic night, I enjoyed every bit of it though.

XOXO Danny

Monday, June 16, 2008

international school

Well, as you may already know I live in Amsterdam.
My school has great people but the classes are HORRIBLE and then I mean horrible.
I think the teachers bore themselves while talking.
Luckily I have found the answer to it all, well my mother has. International school
no scary boarding school for me, and now I also don't have to take the TOEFL test!
Conclusion next year I'm in an international school which is close by my old school, so I can still see the people.
And my bestfriends and I all go to different school's so we will still see eachother just as often.
I think I'm kind of loving the idea of going to international school

XOXO Danny

Ps: I have Del Reys!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


One more week of school and then the summer holiday starts!!!!!
I couldn't be any happier =), I convinced my mom to take me to paris for my birthday.
14th of july is Bastille day and also my birthday so I can't wait. Especially since my gay-bestfriend is coming with us.

Plus I've turned fan of a new band named Relient-K there amazing, completely my type of music. It cheers me up and makes a smile surface on my face, amazing.

I'd love to hear about all of your summers, so leave a comment and tell me all about your plans. I'm in a very good mood, and a listening mood. Oh yeah the person that has the summer plans that I like the most, I'll make a link to there blog =)

XOXO Danny

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Patience, and how I don't have any.

Today was a day full of agitation. I went to school after having missed my first hour, so my mood wasn't at it's best. Also I have my period so that didn't help either. After having said hello to a few friends, one of my least favourite person in the world decided to talk to me. (btw some people in school call me yanna since that's my second name =P)

"Hey, yanna are you lost?"

me: "No why?"

"Cause you came to school amazzzziiinnngggg! hhahaha"

me: If you have nothing better to do with your meaningless life please go be worthless somewhere else, I don't have the time to hear your annoying voice.

Then I walked to my class and yet again I was bothered, only now by a girl who thinks she knows everything.

"So, I bet my grade for dutch is better than yours, since I'm smarter"

me:" Did you really feel that there was a need for you to open you patheticly thin mouth?

"Well yes since I know how horrible your going to feel after you yet again get a failing grade."

me:"[Name] If your life has no better purpose than to have a higher grade than I have, I must say your pretty sad. It's not that hard to get a higher grade then I have, and no I don't feel bad about it. The only thing I feel bad about is the fact that you think you have the right to talk to me......which you don't

I turned around and walked of to my seat even more annoyed than when I first started. I don't have any patience with people who are just wasting my time. When I know that a long meaningless coversation has a point I'll be nice, for example; when a teacher wants to have a conversation, I'm a lovely child at those times.

Warning: Don't piss girls of when there already having a bad day it can turn out in to a very nasty fight.

Now the "best" part of my day was definitley this, see I'm naturally thin and tall which I guess makes some people think they have the right to make nasty comments. They chose the wrong day.:

"How does it feel throwing up all your food? I mean you must have bollimia, it's not possible to be so thin and eat junk food all day."

Me: You know that bollimia patients avoid eating in public right? If I was one then why would I always be eating? And is it my fault that my system works quickly. what are you jealous...aaaawh there's a gym 3 blocks away.

[I'm not a nice person when I'm pissed and I know that very well]

"Don't make excuses I know that you have bollimia there's no other way."

me: You know what, if you want me to be a bollimia patient fine just for you I'll become one. Cause if not being one means that I'd have to look like you.....I know it must be better having bollimia.

I stood up and went outside to smoke a cigarette there went me quiting.

XOXO Danny

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fuzzy isn't always cute...

Dear readers I think I almost had a heart attack at the age of fifteen... I can't seem to grasp what I just saw. People dressing up in fuzzy costumes. First of all I don't like people walking around in mickey mouse costumes etc. But this is just to much. THERE'S A FUZZY COSTUME FETISH?! What the hell is wrong with this world.

I have no problem with how people want to out there sexuality, well mostly I don't I guess it doesn't help that I hate it when people get dressed up in ways that you can't see who they are. But people dressing up in Fuzzy costumes and then going over to there Fuzzy costumes meetings and rubbing up against eachother? HELLO?! what the f**** is wrong with you? I'm sorry for the language but it just feels like all my greatest fears are coming to life.

So what do these people actually do? They have sex with eachother while being dressed in those costumes because they feel more comfortable. It's as if they don't want there to be any feeling in the event, just plain lust. I don't get what's so sexy about a fuzzy cartoon character......but that might just be me.

But where my problem truly lies is the fact that the people that have these weird fetishes are your everyday people. It can be your doctor, your lawyer, your judge, oh god I don't want to say it but it could be your parents. It just freaks me out to know that allot of people have these weird secret lives. I mean your best friend might have a secret sex fantasy fetish life and you'd never know. When I start to think about the world just seems like a very very wrong messed up place.

XOXO Danny

Now this is messed up.

Mad tv overdid themselves, when I first started watching the movie I didn't get the hints. First of I thought they were making fun of the fact that when you get an "I-anything" you have to get "I-everything". But that was only a little part of this hilarious video. They are actually talking about the situation between America and Irak. Well if you finished watching the video you would probably already have figured that out.

I thought the part where the I-rack started smoking because it was to overloaded and the part where the hostess says that he should be taking things out of the I-rack instead of putting them in was absolutely brilliant. This shows what's actually going on in a funny exagerated way.

I'm officially loving Madtv Videos <3

XOXO Danny

Saturday, June 7, 2008

tickle me emo?

Now this is truly brilliant, Tickle me emo the new version of tickle me elmo. This shows you exactly how sick the "emo-culture" actually is. I'm sorry for all emo's reading this you may get pissed but come on who the hell brags about being depressed?! Tickle me emo is one of the funniest videos I have ever seen. at least at first I thought it was funny. But then I started to think, when I start to think things go wrong.

See we all might laugh about this video but it is based on real people. there are really people who act this foolish. Who cut themselves because they don't know how to take control over there own lives. Bloody hell go smoke a cigarette or something. And then after there done cutting themselves they call up there little emo-buddies and tell them about all the problems they have. next morning they exchange cutting experiences now isn't that just fun? I mean what are they trying to do hold a contest on who kills themselves first?

You have emo's that just like the clothing style and don't slowly destroy themselves with committing suicide attempts everyday. But then you have the idiots that find there lives so screwed up they just have to hurt themselves so they can be a part of something. IT'S SICK. if your so depressed go see a psychologist or something you self destructive idiots!

These kind of things just really piss me off, but the video is still funny Tickle me emo..

XOXO Danny

....A bad blogging day....

Today I had a bad blogging day,
I thought it would be fun to change my layout and since I'm not good with html I looked some up on the internet.
Well it didn't work out the way I thought it would that's for sure. I decided on a very cute diary one, the only thing I had to do was change it to the older version of blogger. which I did without a problem until I then found out that the cute diary one wasn't as perfect as I thought. The letters were very tiny and I couldn't manage to change the things I wanted. mostly because I didn't know what all the HTML signs meant.

So I decided to make the pictures smaller so that I wouldn't have to scroll to the sides. Well that didn't work out, I decided to make the letters bigger, that didn't work either. I decided to make the layout itself bigger......well you can probably guess that that didn't work out for me either. After having spent two hours of wasting my time I finally decided to switch back to a more understandable version of a layout.

Lucky me I found out that I had to attach all the add-ons once more because of course after I had switched versions it was all gone. Since I didn't save the sites I had to go and search threw my mail and finally found a way to get everything that I once had back. And what I don't have .....I just can't find/remember. Well I think I'm going to retire for the day .....OK in a little while but I must say that blogging can be frustrating when you don't have the brains for it.

XOXO Danny

Boarding school.

My mom wants to send me to an all-girls boarding school in Ireland. She thinks it's a good idea since I want to study law there. But isn't boarding school a bit extreme? Allot of weird things happen there, the kind of things that after you graduated from boarding school no one talks about. They just erase it from there minds.....and then they send there own children to boarding school.

I just don't get why you would think of putting so many people of the same sex in one building with no connection with the opposite sex. 
OK i can understand the main thought: If I send my daughter to boarding school she won't go boy crazy and will get married a virgin or something along those lines. There's just a little problem with all this...

The fact that the only reason girls don't go all out on there bitchiness is because there are guys around! Do you know how mean girls actually are and if your not mean you won't make it in the all-girls boarding school world.

I'd probably get kicked out on the first day because I got into a huge fight, I know myself and the only reason that I'm not a complete and utter bitch is because there are guys around. Guys save the world from being a very very mean little place full of cat fights.
So please anybody that wants to or has sent there kids to boarding school get them away from there as soon as possible. Boarding school is not the kind of place you want to grow up in.
No parental love, Full of mean pranks and comments and I really don't want to know what happens behind locked doors.

And the thing I fear most is all-guys boarding schools, that's gotta be bad.....boarding schools are good for nothing and no one they just mess your children up. They truly do, unless the kid is strong and if he or she is they'll probably mess the smaller ones up.

Conclusion: Boarding school sucks!

XOXO Danny

Friday, June 6, 2008


I hate Barbie....

why? Because Barbie is the biggest slut uhm...ever!
Barbie only wears High heels lots of make-up short skirts and tops and she has
huge boobs. Now doesn't that give little girls the wrong idea of what they have to look like
later on in their life? I must say that Barbie seriously messed me up for sure.
And then you have Barbie's friends? Chelsea and Something. Don't both of those dolls look exactly like Barbie only with a different skin and hair color.
The problem that I have here is that the brown Barbie has a straight nose, thin lips and no ass whatsoever. See now if a little brown girl is playing with Barbie she'll look at the doll and think why can't I look more like Barbie?
Barbie is Truly one messed up doll, that messes up poor little girls for no reason! 
I fear that I'm letting out all my paranoia today .....just because I can.

XOXO Danny


I'm as the dead for CLOWNS they are the scariest most absurd creatures ever.

Sometimes I wonder why would anybody want to be a clown? And then I start to think about it, what do clowns do? they go over to children parties....why would grown men want to spend everyday playing with little children while being dressed up in bright colours. unable to be identified...?
Wouldn't you start to think that our sweet little clowns have a little bit more of a motive then just liking to entertain kids? aren't they entertaining themselves? I fear they are.
Wasn't John Wayne Gacy a serial killer, that entertained little children as a clown?! With a clown you just never know what's underneath all those bright colours. You don't know if it's a killer a pedofile or in the odd cases a guy that earnestly likes to entertain children. 
And this is why clowns are one of my biggest Nightmares....You just never know when IT will come to get you.

XOXO Danny


My Classmate and I have decided to re-open a case for our school project.

The project is very important for our exams so we need to do the best we can on this one
and be as original as we can. We decided on the case of Pedro Alonso Lopez who was a serial killer and killed over 350 female children. When we found this case we went crazy the guy is still walking around free! 
My Classmate and I are going to lock him up in our school project, of course we can't really lock him up but we're going to reenact everything. By making up evidence calling real lawyers for advice on our project and making a little documentary film about our dear Pedro. With the reenactment of the case  in it of course. 
If anybody has any tips for me that would help with my project it would be very very welcome!!

XOXO Danny

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Question, Answer post.

OK this blog is for answering questions about how most teenage girls think when they do something. so you guys ask a question and I answer it. I've noticed that Males and Sometimes even Female adults don't understand a first thing about teenage girls! I'm going to try to get a little closer to fixing this problem. hey, I can't fix everything but this I most definetly can! 

So this is how we're going to do this:
- First you type: Q:  
- And second I answer 

It's simple and effective so let's try this out!! 

XOXO Danny