Thursday, June 5, 2008

Question, Answer post.

OK this blog is for answering questions about how most teenage girls think when they do something. so you guys ask a question and I answer it. I've noticed that Males and Sometimes even Female adults don't understand a first thing about teenage girls! I'm going to try to get a little closer to fixing this problem. hey, I can't fix everything but this I most definetly can! 

So this is how we're going to do this:
- First you type: Q:  
- And second I answer 

It's simple and effective so let's try this out!! 

XOXO Danny


HektikLyfe said...

In your profile it says you are 16 and that you are under a lot of stress which causes you to turn to smoking to relax. I have a few questions.

1. What is it that is so stressful?
2. Do you think that smoking is the ONLY think that could relieve those stresses?
3. Did you know that there are a few studies that suggest that it is actually the slow, deep breaths that people take when they smoke that actually relaxes them?

The reason I bring this up is not to preach but out of concern. I know so many people that have lung problems directly attributed to cigarette smoke it seems a shame that at such a young age you are already headed down that dangerous path. I won't mention it again if it bothers you to talk about it.

Ayanna said...

1.The fact that I probably have to do my school year over cause of troubles I have had at home.
2. It probably isn't but at the time it seemed that way and now I'm already kinda stuck I'll try to stop when the school year's over and the stress lessens.
3. I do know but i didn't know at the time that I started and since I've always been surrounded by people that smoke it's easier to have your first sigaret before you know any facts

I don't have a problem talking about it I know it's stupid but it's just a stupid choice I made and only I can fix right? ;)

HektikLyfe said...

Good luck with fixing it. You have to want to fix it first so if you don't really, truly want to stop. Don't fool yourself into thinking you actually can.

Secondhand smoke is worse than direct inhalation so I feel so bad for you. Hopefully things will improve with time.

ryan said...

Cool idea. So...

Q: What are the top 5 things that a teenage girl thinks about in a day?

Ayanna said...

1. Boys -allot of us won't admit it but it really is.-
2. Make-up
3. Clothes
4. Friends
5. How to inprove her weakest point (becoming smarter, getting rid of acne, losing weight)

This is what your average teenage girl thinks about atleast once a day.

Anonymous said...

Hey again!

Q: What do you teenage girls do in your spare time?

Ayanna said...

we mostly hang out with our friends, and when we're all together we talk allot about the weirdest stuff, newest gossips and read magazines together. we go shopping and when I'm alone I talk on the phone allot. because I don't want to pay for the phonebill My friends and I decided to change calling shifts. =P

and when your really make homework ;)
